Sunday, May 1, 2011

final lobby plan

this is the final lobby plan.. i think this works well for both private and public space and still keep the axis that i want. the changing room is needed because i require people to take off their shoes before getting into the space. the long hallway is the great opportunity for placing the shoe locker and the rounded river rocks on the floor.

                the locker locates on both side of the axis that will be glass exterior finish and aroma wood locker panels. thus the outside can see the shoes display, while the inside can see the display of light when a person open up those lockers.
                on the floor at the location of the lockers, i will place the river bank rocks, so that  the person can experience the earth (not the shoes), as well as massaging at the same time. at the end of the locker section, there will be the water steam flows softly to purified the person's feet.


  1. I don't see the peace symbol that was very predominant in your form making before and I would have liked to see that translated into very interesting circulation routes. I also don't understand the need for Changing Rooms if visitors will only take off their shoes. I feel the separation does not allow for the overarching human experience you are trying to create; it feels that you are segregating males and females for no reason (if there is more changing to be done, I apologize for the previous remarks, but all I have is "taking off shoes" to go off of). Once the visitors walk out of the changing rooms they are hit by a variety of walls to get to the main space, I think this could have been handled easily by one wall with the initial lighting effects you brought up in your precedent studies to bring someone to another state of mind.

  2. it is true that the changing room is not a necessary space, and i think i over empower them on the lobby design. however, one of my professor made an interesting point that if the person comes from work, he/she would like to change to a comfortable cloth or to store their belongings before doing the meditation. thus i think the changing rooms can serve a lot of the residents around the neighborhood.

  3. That is a valid point, but I think it would be better suited for people who don't live in the neighborhood. People who would have to travel far to their homes and then back would get better use of storage and changing rooms in my opinion.
